Fundraising with Marcon Pies

Youth Groups & Churches


Community Organizations


Education Foundations & Schools


Athletics & Sporting Groups

Fundraise for your organization with Marcon Pies!

marcon pies pumpkin pie

Let the pies do the talking! Organizations throughout the state of Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri choose to fundraise with MarCon Pies because it’s simple and delicious. We work closely with our local churches, athletic teams, community foundations, and K-12 schools to ensure you have FUN while FUNDRAISING!

Our pies are all 9” in diameter, and are available baked-frozen or unbaked-frozen. Fundraising pies come in the following flavors: apple, apricot, blackberry, blueberry, cherry, peach, pecan*, pumpkin*, strawberry rhubarb, no sugar added-apple, no sugar added-cherry, no sugar added-peach. *Our pumpkin and pecan pies are available October 1st—December 31st; April 1st-April 30th.

Fill out the form below to start the conversation on pricing, order placement, and deliveries. We look forward to learning about your fundraising goals!